Research Binder Uncategorized

Cremaster 3 Robinson

Lily Robinson

Immediate Response

I found this short film to be very bizarre and off-putting. There is a tension throughout this piece that doesn’t seem to ever get resolved until the very end scene when the piece reaches its climax. The odd use of music, filming perspective, and almost theatrical characters mixed with ordinary people picked off the streets resulted in a strange juxtaposition. I felt a bit unsettled and confused throughout this whole work, constantly searching for sense or some kind of progressing narrative- of which I found none.


Objective Description

This short video is filmed in a building where construction is going on and various scenes are occurring at different levels. There are two main characters that seem to have some kind of relationship, and several changes in mood and volume of music suggest the development of narrative. The apprentice is the most notable character dressed in theatrical garb and the main female lead transforms from a handicapped goddess to a cat-like creature. Throughout the film there is a building ensign that occurs with the musk and screaming/chanting crowd, in conjunction with the building’s construction.

Technical Decisions

This work is a short film that is filmed from several perspectives, angles and directions for a total of 30 minutes. The decisions seem intentional to film it in this manner, and yet there is a randomness which also benefits this deliberateness. I am not sure how the title impacts my understanding or interpretation of this work, for I am very confused about its objective. At the very end when the main female lead is shot/wounded four times, this suggested to be a metaphor to me for something larger. There are a few biblical references throughout this work such as the cross box for example that suggest perhaps this is a religious interpretation about the future or a social critique. The presentation suggests that the creator wanted the viewer to make his own conclusions, and seems to be rather ambiguous which changes the meaning of the piece.

The Work in the World

I believe the characters/actors in this work are most demonstrative of the intended commentary. This work suggests a commentary on our world, in a large commercial skyscraper building with an odd juxtaposition of scenes that occur inside.

The Story it Tells

I am unsure of the concept behind this work, however the deliberate decisions in this piece’s filming, composition, and visual mechanisms help aid in the narrative. I feel that there is a deeper significance with this work that references either biblical or mythological literature, that has been applied to modern day and its relevance for our future.

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