
Reuben Margolin

An artist similar to Nathan’s presentation on the “Falling Rain”.  His site has really cool videos of his kinetic work:


Alex Ororbia, Life of Phi


Alex Ororbia (& Phil) at Life of Phi VFX presentation/event.


(Student Name), Bondi Beach

This is an example of a well written Art Report from a previous semester.  Keep in mind that this student was following a slightly different set of instructions–your response will only be about half as long as this example.  Click here to view the Art Report guidelines.

After finding the piece Bondi Beach by Gregor Schneider in the book Art Now on page 424, I was initially reminded of a large dog pound on an otherwise pleasant beach. I became focused on the limited space provided for the individuals inside and immediately was struck by a sense of claustrophobia along with a confusion as to why people would chose to enter the cages. I found it humorous that inside the extremely small spaces were efforts to instill comfort such as an umbrella, air mattress, and trash bag for convenience. The cages are an eye-sore at a beautiful beach, and an inconvenience for those wishing to relax in a calm area; however, people on the sand do not seem to be daunted by the cages. The people inside are content with their position, and those strolling the beach outside the fences do not even look over at the piece. Schneider’s work is a study of human behavior as well as an aesthetically engaging piece.

Objective Description

Gregor Schneider’s Bondi Beach consists of a free-standing connection of metal cages located on a populated public beach. The walls of the cages are twice the height of the average person and are of the standard design used in chain-link fences that are usually used in humane societies. The chain-linked fence allows for those inside to see the ocean as well as those outside to look in on those inside the cages. There are twenty-one cells, each of small dimensions, conveniently equipped with a beach umbrella, air mattress, and trash bag. The installation of these items give those inside a reason to be fully content with their choice of captivation. The number of people inside each cage varies. Some cages are empty, some have one person, and some are overcrowded; however, no one has made the decision to move to the empty cages. Also, there are numerous people freely wandering along the beach outside of the cage.

Technical Decisions

Schneider chose to construct his piece out of common materials which helps to depict a sense of “normality” in his work. Instead of constructing an abstract work, he constructed a common object (a cage) and placed it in an odd environment and altered its purpose. Instead of the cages being located at a local humane society, a knowingly unpleasant area, Schneider placed them at a typically beautiful, free location. Also, he replaced the animals expected to be inside with humans. What is unique about Bondi Beach is that the viewer becomes apart of the work. Whether he or she chooses to enter the cage or remain outside does not matter, either choice the individual makes adds to his piece. The fences are not all that is important, the items inside and the colors selected hold great value as well. The white umbrella attempts to add a mirage of tranquility as the blue air mattress mimics the color of the ocean directly outside of the cage to forge a connection with nature.

The Work in the World

As mentioned earlier, Bondi Beach is a direct reminder of dog cages at humane societies. They work as a confinement for seemingly “useless” things which add nothing substantial to society. Abandoned dogs that are typically in these types of cages are seen as a nuisance until a human, a species of higher rank, selects the dog to aid his or her life through companionship or more simply: entertainment. Schneider’s piece is also a distinct reminder of prisons or jail cells. However, this work deviates from a jail or prison cell in the sense that people willingly enter these cages. At a quick glance, these cages can remind one of internment camps as well; however, this connection fails for the same reason the jail and prison cell connection fails. These people contained in the cages are not confined, they are not restricted, they freely choose to give up their freedom and abandon their ability to wander for the comfort of modern day items.

The Story it Tells

Schneider’s message behind the work is clear: humans have become enslaved by their own creations. He constructed the piece out of previously man-made objects (the fence, umbrella, air mattress, and trash bag.) The man-made fence works as a barrier, the man-made umbrella serves as unnecessary protection, the man-made air mattress becomes luxurious comfort, and the man-made trash bag holds waste from manufactured items. Each of these things symbolizes the ways in which society has over-developed. We produce more than we need, which in turn destroys our natural instincts of survival. We rely on our inventions, even if they rob us of natural beauty, for example the construction of cities and elimination of forests. Even though we may realize we are walking into our own trap, such as the people entering the cages, we cannot deny the comfort that is granted inside.


Alexander G. Ororbia II

Your name:  Alexander G. Ororbia II

Your major: Computer Science & Engineering, Philosophy Minor, Mathematics Minor

Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).

Tennis, Bowling, lead guitarist for the Bucknell student band The Wingmen, 3D modeling & animation

Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?

It was a hobby of mine back in high school and I was involved in it to the point of entering competition.  I am interested in mastering professional digital 3d modeling techniques to improve my future work.

Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?

Porting and editing sculpted mesh files into programs for vertex editing, creating low resolution proxy meshes from high resolution vertex sculpt models, using displacement and bump maps (how to texture effectively and realistically using current vertex topology)

In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?

A piece of art is worthwhile or interesting if it speaks to the viewer or conveys a message.  If it draws the viewer in and brings them into a different world of environment and captures his or her imagination.

Email address:

Cell phone number:


Cell phone service provider:

Trac-Phone (don’t know if I really actually have a “provider”)


Dana Germano

Your name: Dana Germano

Your major: Computer Science


Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).

I am a scene design technical assistant in the theatre department and I am vice president of Culture Couture on campus. I also TA for Computer Graphics and I am co-E-Week chair this year for the department.

Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?

I am very visual and I thought it would be fascinating to explore creative applications of technology.

Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?

Nothing in particular…

In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?

Good art should inspire some kind of emotional response from the viewer. Whether it evokes anger, sadness, or happiness, good art, to me is as important as any other subject of study because it helps us communicate.

Email address:


Cell phone number: 856-266-3831


Cell phone service provider: AT&T


* please double check your contact info for typos *


Angel Hernandez

Your name: Angel Hernandez

Your major: Environmental Studies/Economics


Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).

Speak Up Bucknell, Dance, Club Soccer… etc.

Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?

I took a sculpture class last semester and this seem like an interesting option. I hope to enjoy the creative process of sculpting on a computer… =]

Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?

Not sure… I’ve never used a digital sculpting software

In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?

I think that all art comes from a particular idea or inspiration that gets developed, modified or even change entirely through the making process. That creative process is what makes it interest and worthwhile to me. I love learning about what an artist had to go through in order to finish a piece.

Email address:

Cell phone number:

703 400 6886

Cell phone service provider:



Eric Lynn

Your name: Eric Lynn

Your major: Mechanical Engineering


Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).

Ping-Pong, video games,


Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?

Interested in CAD and want to know alternate ways of creating forms and shapes. Also seemed a lot more fun than an engineering course, and more productive than a english or history class.

Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?

How to use Rhino to create organic shapes that would be difficult to create in a program like Solidworks. (learn how to use NERBS to edit the shapes)

In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?

Something that is pleasing to the eye and intricate. Hidden meanings would be a bonus.

Email address:

 Cell phone number: 732-500-7159

Cell phone service provider: AT&T


Jess Tatham

Your name: Jess Tatham

Your major: English and Anthropology double major (potentially studio art minor)


Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).

– Women’s Rowing

-Greek life

-Lit mag


Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?

I enjoyed Sculpture 1 and am interested in digital modeling and maybe how it pertains to the advertisement industry.


Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?

I have no prior digital sculpture experience so I am not sure about specific topics; I am open to it all!


In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?

-The piece should cause a reaction of some sort to the viewer

– The artist must feel satisfied they have accomplished their goals


Email address:


Cell phone number: 9173463343


Cell phone service provider: AT&T


Lindsey Myers

Your name: Lindsey Myers

Your major: Interdepartmental Media Studies


Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).

Dance Minor

Dance showcase choreographer



Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?

My major is focused on all media, but I have a particular fascination with new media. I feel as though with this, both writing skills and digital design and creation are both important aspects of the field (and it will be useful in my future).

Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?

I am taking this class to get a better idea about digital graphics as well as gain even more appreciation for art.

In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?

I really enjoy when art has mulitple meanings or multiple messages to pull from it. As a dancer and choreographer, an artist’s message is typically the most important part of his or her work, and it is important that the viewers can find it, but I enjoy when a bit of searching is involved.

Email address:


Cell phone number: 908-477-7074


Cell phone service provider: Verizon


Nathan Hill

Your name: Nathan Hill

Your major: Mechanical Engineering


Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).

I’m in the band, play video games, do lots of homework.


Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?

I work with CAD all the time, and learning the organic side of using design software will benefit me in the future. Rendering photo-realistic images is also useful to my work and interesting.


Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?

I want to learn about creating organic shapes with specific dimensions if such a thing is possible, as well as have fun with a new program.


In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?

A work of art is “good” if it is appealing to some sense of the body. Art can also be “good” if it can effectively convey an idea or feeling.


Email address:


Cell phone number: 570-954-1866


Cell phone service provider: Verizon


Jordan Rivera

Your major: Mechanical Engineering

Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus). – Chi Phi Fraternity, Community Harvest, FIRST Robotics, Building interesting things

Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it? – I am moderately capable of doing CAD with engineering packages and this seemed to be a good way to round out the more artistic side of digital design.

Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class? – I do not know enough about digital sculpture to know what I would or would not enjoy, but I am open to learning new things.

In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way? – Art should make the viewer think or should reveal some greater truth beyond the presented material without being an inside joke that only few understand. It should be accessible and interesting to experience.

Email address:

Cell phone number: 585-259-9394

Cell phone service provider: Verizon




Philip Diefenderfer

Your name: Philip Diefenderfer

Your major: Computer Engineering

Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).

Camping, Climbing, Marksmanship, Archery, Power sports


Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?

I am taking this class to learn more about making designs and products more ascetically appealing to a consumer and to learn a new CAD software.


Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?

3D printing and how to take something from a computer to a physical object


In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?

In my opinion, work of art is interesting if it incorporates multiple fields and not just sculpture   If it includes motion and is interactive or educational, then it is a good piece of art in my opinion.


Email address: prd005 AT bucknell DOT edu

Cell phone number: 570-401-0227

Cell phone service provider: Verizon


Joe Meiser

Your name:

Your major:


Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).


Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?


Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?


In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?


Email address:


Cell phone number:


Cell phone service provider:


* please double check your contact info for typos *


Tali Sason

Your name: Tali Sason

Your major: Computer Engineering

Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).

  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Tech Desk
  • IEEE

Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?

I am really interested digital design.  I have taken architecture classes before and have some experience with CAD and Rhino.  I have not taken many art classes in college and I look forward to studying it a bit before I graduate.

Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?

I would like to get more experience with the software often used for digital sculpture in industry today.

In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?

I believe a work of art is “good” when it can convey something to a viewer.  A piece of art with meaning and purpose serves as a form of expression.

Email address:

Cell phone number: 201-956-7312

Cell phone service provider: Verizon


Glen Williams

Your name:  Glen Williams

Your major:  Mechanical Engineering


Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).

– Bucknell Varsity Cross Country/ Track and Field teams (long distance running)

– Robotics (in research with Prof. Kim and as a hobby)


Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?

I am very interested in 3D design, and wanted to take a class outside of the engineering curriculum. I hope to get exposure to a different perspective of 3D design that I would not normally get.

Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?

– I don’t know very much about art, so I’m hoping to learn more about it.

In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?

– A work of art that both looks original/appealing and clearly took skill to produce is interesting to me. I feel this way because I can most relate to realistic and precise art, and most respect people who have those skills.

Email address:

Cell phone number:


Cell phone service provider:



Examples of Effective Topology



Don Levy: A cinematic journey through visual effects


Grace Radio


Syd Mead


Sydney Jay Mead, commonly Syd Mead (born July 18, 1933), is a “visual futurist” and concept artist. He is best known for his designs for science-fiction films such as Blade Runner, Aliens and Tron. Of his work, Mead was once moved to comment: “I’ve called science fiction ‘reality ahead of schedule.'”    —


Simon Williamson uses Rhino and Keyshot to create his designs





See more at:



Bathsheeba Grossman Sculpture

See more at:


ArtsXpose Guidelines and Instructions

* 2 ArtsXpose are due at midterm, 2 are due at final.  Not accepted late. *

ArtsXpose Learning Goals:

1. To familiarize students with local arts venues, resources and events.

2. To facilitate students’ critical awareness and their abilities to make meaningful connections between the various forms, media and formats found in theater, film, dance, literature and the visual arts.

3. To promote students’ active participation in the Art & Art History Department, Bucknell University, and the local art community.

Events that fulfill the ArtsXpose requirement include:

  • Visiting artist’s lectures
  • Exhibitions
  • Plays (college or professional NOT high school productions)
  • Films that are part of a university department sponsored film series (NOT films at commercial multiplexes)
  • Musical recitals or performances
  • Poetry/literary readings
  • Attendance of art club meetings (clubs may only count as one event regardless of the number of club memberships or the number of meetings attended during a term)
  • Arts related symposia, discussions or reading groups
  • Arts related conferences
  • Art events, demos, or workshops that are non-course related
  • Arts related fieldtrips (The Department of Art & Art History is taking a bus trip to New York City sometime this semester, and students are strongly encouraged to attend this trip as it will be a great opportunity to observe cutting edge contemporary artwork.  Attending this trip will count as two artsXpose assignments, and students in attendance will not be required to submit any documentation.)

Instructions for submitting ArtsXpose:

All ArtsXpose assignments will be submitted on the class website, but you can choose to either submit a photograph of yourself at the event, OR a detailed textual response to the event.

Click here to see an example of how to post using the FORM option

Click here to see an example of how to post using the PHOTO option


Regardless of whether you choose the form or photo option, you’ll need to begin by creating a post here on the class website, and to do so you can follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the site by going to:
  2. Create a new post by clicking at the top of the page on the “+ New” button
  3. Once the post screen comes up, check the “artsXpose” box to the right to put the post in the right category
  4. Upload photos by clicking on the “upload/insert” button above the text field (remember to click the “insert into post” button while you’re on the upload screen)
  5. * So that I can give you credit for your work, don’t forget to put your name in the title of the post

Aaron Meyers artXpose #2 (example)

Example of how to submit artsXpose with the PHOTO option

For each artsXpose you complete, you may submit either a form OR a photo–it is not necessary to submit both.  Included below is an example of how you may submit artsXpose using the PHOTO option.  For the sake of efficiency, you may want to cut-and-paste the text below directly into your post and then appropriately revise the information.  

Your photograph should depict you at the event with some distinctive features.  This will make it obvious that you attended.

– – –

Title of Event: Joe Meiser Artist Lecture
Date & Time of Event: Friday February 3rd 7 pm
Location of Event: Samek Art Gallery
Type of event: Artist lecture and reception




Aaron Meyers ArtsXpose #1 (example)

Example of how to submit artsXpose with the FORM option

For each artsXpose you complete, you may submit either a form OR a photo–it is not necessary to submit both.  Included below is an example of how you may submit artsXpose using the FORM option.  For the sake of efficiency, you may want to cut-and-paste the text below directly into your post and then appropriately revise the information.

– – –


Title of Event: Bill T. Jones Lecture

Date and time of event: Monday January 30th 7:30 pm

Location of Event: Harvey Powers Theater

Type of Event: Guest Artist Lecture

1.) Provide a brief detail-oriented technical description or summary of the event you attended. (This section should remain journalistic and should not be reflective of your opinion.)

Bill T. Jones gave an hour lecture with almost a full half hour of questioning. During the lecture he spoke from memory and showed a 15 minutes video of one of his dances being performed by different dancers. He also showed brief examples of his movement throughout the lecture.

2.) Use the section below to write a well-structured paragraph focusing on your personal criticalinsight / response to the event. How did you interpret or react to what was presented to you?

It was clear that Jones was a stage performer. Even in a lecture he had an amazing presence and was very confident. I enjoyed seeing him show bits of his dance moves. He also told a lot of very interesting stories about both his dad and his long time partner. One thing that I found interesting was at the beginning of the lecture he talked a lot about being a part of a counter culture and pushing against society. He described how fruitful it was for him to live in an artist colony that had no concern for material success. However at the end of the lecture he was described some of his current financial realities and the trouble of maintaining a dance company.

3.) What information, ideas, images, etc. most impressed you and why?

I was most impressed by his presence, story telling, and his brief dance moves. They were all very clear but also very unique.

4.) Overall, how would you rate this event (10 being the most worthwhile)?
(10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 )

5.) Justify your rating in the question above:

I think for he was a really articulate speaker and was also entertaining. He also gave me two really valuable messages: don’t let yourself get in the way of the work, and why does it have to be anyone in particulars body?




A primer on 3-D printing by Lisa Harouni


3-D Ceramic Printing at BGSU



See a longer version here:




Various useful tutorials


3D Modeling tutorial for the human head. Focus on edge flow: