
Jess Tatham

Your name: Jess Tatham

Your major: English and Anthropology double major (potentially studio art minor)


Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).

– Women’s Rowing

-Greek life

-Lit mag


Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?

I enjoyed Sculpture 1 and am interested in digital modeling and maybe how it pertains to the advertisement industry.


Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?

I have no prior digital sculpture experience so I am not sure about specific topics; I am open to it all!


In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?

-The piece should cause a reaction of some sort to the viewer

– The artist must feel satisfied they have accomplished their goals


Email address:


Cell phone number: 9173463343


Cell phone service provider: AT&T