Your name: Philip Diefenderfer

Your major: Computer Engineering

Please list a few of your interests, sports you play, or other activities you’re involved in (on or off campus).

Camping, Climbing, Marksmanship, Archery, Power sports


Why are you taking this class? What do you most want to get out of it?

I am taking this class to learn more about making designs and products more ascetically appealing to a consumer and to learn a new CAD software.


Are there any particular topics or techniques that you’re hoping to learn about in this class?

3D printing and how to take something from a computer to a physical object


In your opinion, what makes a work of art interesting, worthwhile, or compelling—to put it simply, what makes a work of art good?  Why do you feel this way?

In my opinion, work of art is interesting if it incorporates multiple fields and not just sculpture   If it includes motion and is interactive or educational, then it is a good piece of art in my opinion.


Email address: prd005 AT bucknell DOT edu

Cell phone number: 570-401-0227

Cell phone service provider: Verizon