

In the video below, show 3:00 to the end.

T-points and star points


In some subdivision surface programs, if you want to add detail to one area you have to subdivide the entire mesh, which produces heavy and complex geometry.  In T-Splines we can add T-points to add complexity just where we need it.  Add t-points by inserting an edge in a small area or by inserting a point.


When the topology diverges in two different directions it is necessary to add a star point.  We don’t usually have to think much about adding these points because T-Splines inserts them as needed.  To see a star point appear simply extrude a face on any form.  Star points will appear at the juncture.

Topology in T-Splines

Examples of effective topology are included below. Notice the colorized edge loops in the far right example. Edge loops are very important in T-Splines for proper smoothing of the model.

Effective topology in T-Splines does the following:

  1. flows with the contours of the form (see the image below on the far left as an example of how an artist can plan effective topology)
  2. emphasizes quads (four-sided planes)
  3. emphasizes edge loops
  4. it is as simple as possible (remember that simpler geometry is easier to work with)
  5. locates star points on flat parts of the model.

These considerations make the model easy to work with, and give the smoothest results.

 Examples of how I’ve used T-Splines in my work:

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