Our group chose to focus on a vehicle of a yacht in the arctic. What is interesting about this is the fact that we chose these two in tandem because we felt as though we were “solving the Titanic” so that the yacht may not ram itself into icebergs, but rather scale over them with cramp-on type feet and hinging legs, another extra unique element to our vehichle. Our character was James Bond, which is perfect for the lavish vehicle of a yacht, and it was interesting building such a large space for use by only one individual.  The renderings I chose in the order I chose to display them reprensent someone moving through the space with the yacht in the water. Suddenly, it releases into “leg mode” and has a duck-type look with its legs floating beneath it. Then we slowly begin to see the vehichle move closer to the iceberg and begin to climb and we once again get the feeling of moving around in space due to the order in which I chose to display the images and shots.