Vespidae Eumeninae

For my insect I have chosen the Potter Wasp. I chose the Potter Wasp due to my long standing relationship with wasps where they sting me while I am working outdoors and my subsequent retaliation at dusk (using a can of Raid).

The Potter Wasp is an insect that likes to build its nests underground or using existing holes and cracks as a starting location. Potter Wasps build their nests using dirt, clay, sediment, and plant matter to construct a nest where they will gather food and lay their eggs.  Once they have laid their eggs and gathered enough food for their babies, they seal everything in until the babies hatch and mature. They are typically not very social insects, but they will build their nests in a common location with other Wasps. Potter Wasps are predatory insects that will feed on other insects in the larvae stage and then on plant nectar once they are full grown adults. While they travel from plant to plant drinking their nectar, they will gather pollen from the plants and deliver it to other plants pollinating the plants and helping the plants they feed off to reproduce.

Potter Wasps are colored with bright strips of Orange, Red, and Yellow mixed with either each other or with Black in a camouflage-like appearance. They are often perceived as a malevolent pest that will attack unprovoked and I was raised to kill wasps using the aforementioned can of Raid. Even though they are seen as a pest by the general population, they only harm other insects in nature and are used to pollinate flowers. They have a warrior like presence to them where they can hunt and attack other insects.