1. Finish printing the steeple.
  2. Do a few tests with each of the following: KScan, 123d catch, the Makerbot scanner in the DSC. Instructions for KScan are here: http://digitalsculpture.blogs.bucknell.edu/kscan-3d-directions/
  3. Prepare your 3D scans for printing.  These instructions may be helpful during the process: http://digitalsculpture.blogs.bucknell.edu/preparing-meshes-for-print/
  4. Remember, at the end of each work session, to make a blog entry at: http://arst349.blogs.bucknell.edu/ in the Lena category, including the following:
    • List hours worked and the date (e.g. 6-8pm, February 5)
    • A description of what you worked on
    • Results (what you learned/accomplished)
    • Relevant high quality photo(s)