Blyn suggests that the post humanera is defined by an industry that is dominated by corporate companies. Smaller groups in contrast, will not survive. This seems to be somewhat a representation of what hipsters often stand for, the minority against the majority. But, over time, it is inevitable the minority will be lost or become the majority, there will be few varieties of people that dominate.

With the use of technology, Mullins was able to attain enhanced human characteristics. I believe that technology will allow you to replace what you want on your body, but it will never be to the same level of what was organically made.

I think the post-human era is defined as something beyond humans. In a civilization in which technology reins supreme, it is likely that initially technology begins spread out to different companies, but over time, it is likely that the world would see the emergence of a few dominate companies. In comparison to modern day, Apple and Google began as small companies but over time have been able to rise to have a dominant role in the technology world.

I positively endorse enhancements to the human body for the pursuit of regaining capacity similar to other humans. I do not support the use of technology to enhance an individual beyond what he or she is naturally capable. I believe when technology is used to enhance one beyond normal capabilities, there is certain quality of natural life that is lost.

The idea bodies wanting construction and reconstruction of the posthuman era is a chilling parallel with any mechanical enthusiast, such as a car owner, of modern day. It seems very likely that once bodily enhancements become a socially admirable enhancement, the world will be lost to those tinkering with their own bodies to create the next best enhancement. It is scary to conceive the power that could be given to just one person.