by Dan Collins, Associate Professor of Art, Arizona State University

This paper was first given at the 6th Biennial Symposium on Art and Technology, Connecticut College, February 27 – March 2, 1997


Digital sculpture draws upon recent advances in data acquisition techniques, computer visualization, and rapid prototyping technologies. It utilizes the unique virtual space of the computer to pre-visualize form, to enable extraordinarily sophisticated formal innovations, to design at heretofore unmanageable scales with technical accuracy, and to produce objects impossible to create with the human hand. It opens a floodgate of questions regarding the use and future use of a technology that is predicated upon a “rapid response” to the needs of a culture.

Before addressing the larger question of “how to become a better tool user,” let me address the convergence of technologies behind what I am calling “digital sculpture.”

Three domains must be understood and mastered by the digital sculptor: Data Acquisition (input technologies); Computer Aided Design, modeling, and visualization (CAD), and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)…. to read more, click here