
3-D Printed Car Is as Strong as Steel, Half the Weight, and Nearing Production


Picture an assembly line not that isn’t made up of robotic arms spewing sparks to weld heavy steel, but a warehouse of plastic-spraying printers producing light, cheap and highly efficient automobiles.

If Jim Kor’s dream is realized, that’s exactly how the next generation of urban runabouts will be produced. His creation is called the Urbee 2 and it could revolutionize parts manufacturing while creating a cottage industry of small-batch automakers intent on challenging the status quo. click here to read more

Team 2 - spring 2013

Dana- New Blades for Helicopter? Extended and folded up




Also, possible design for the environment?



It’s a birds-eye view of the Eastern corner of Pompeii as it would have existed at the time of the Vesuvius eruption in 79 AD.

Team 1 - spring 2013

Updated Work 2/26

Team 2 - spring 2013

Phil, cockpit interior progress

console1-3 console1-1 console1-2

Team 1 - spring 2013

Other Reference Images


Drawing 3D

Team 2 - spring 2013

Glen’s Swept version 2/20/2013

I recreated what Dana and Phil made by sweeping curves along 2 rails to make a single continuous piece. The bumps on the fuselage are there because I did not create the rails for the fuselage in advance. When I did create rails in advance for the wings the result was much smoother, and redoing the fuselage in this way should fix the problem.







Team 2 - spring 2013

Phil’s second version

Back view
Back view
Front view
Front view
Isometric View
Isometric View
Team 1 - spring 2013

animal armor

Team 2 - spring 2013

Sketches of initial iterations

Team revision 2 sketch
Team revision 2 sketch
Phil's initial 3
Phil’s initial 3
Phil's second sketches
Phil’s second sketches
Glen's second sketch
Glen’s second sketch
Dana's initial 3
Dana’s initial 3
Glen's initial 3
Glen’s initial 3
Team 2 - spring 2013

Team 2 Presentation

Our Environment of Inspiration:

Pompeii with Mount Vesuvius in the background
Pompeii with Mount Vesuvius in the background


Illustration of the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD
Illustration of the smoke and ash over Pompeii
Illustration of the smoke and ash over Pompeii

Our Vehicle of Inspiration:

Cylon (Spaceship)

Our Person Of Inspiration:

Self-portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci
Self-portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci


Da Vinci’s Design for a Helicopter
Drawings of Da Vinci’s Flyers
Detailed drawing of a wing by Da Vinci
Da Vinci’s design for a battle tank

Our Project So Far:

1 2 3 4 5


Team 3 - spring 2013

Team 3 Presentation

Team 3 - spring 2013

Inspiration Board

James Bond







Grappling Function
Martini glass
red button
Red Button
Modern style
Leg inspiration
Team 1 - spring 2013

Team 1 Presentation 2/19


Injured bald eagle gets new 3-D printed beak


Photo courtesy of Birds of Prey Northwest.

Sometime in 2005, Beauty the bald eagle was shot in the face by a poacher, which damaged her beak badly enough that she couldn’t eat on her own. Animal rescue workers found her before she starved to death, and volunteers at the nonprofit group Birds of Prey Northwest nursed her back to health via tube-feeding and, later, hand-feeding with forceps. But it became increasingly clear that her beak was never going to grow back — meaning that Beauty would never be able to feed herself. She was on track to be euthanized.

But raptor specialist Jane Fink Cantwell, who dresses like Indiana Jones, refused to take “dead bald eagle” for an answer. She joined forces with mechanical engineer Nate Calvin of Kinetic Engineering Group, and together with other scientists, engineers, and even a dentist, they designed a nylon polymer beak that would perfectly replace Beauty’s lost upper mandible.

Calvin developed the new beak using a 3-D modeling program, then used a 3-D printer to fabricate it. After an arduous procedure to attach her prosthetic, Beauty was able to eat, drink, and preen herself on her own.

Beauty’s new beak isn’t secure enough for her to return to the wild, so Cantwell is still caring for her. But she’s a lot more self-sufficient than she was — and her case may help pave the way for making better prosthetics for wildlife in the future.

I’ve seen so many bald eagles crying a single tear over terrorism or gay marriage or whatever that it’s really hard not to interpret this as some kind of metaphor about America. Ruined by guns, kept alive by nonprofits, technology comes to the rescue? Sure, I think it works.


IaaC at Santa Monica Arts

Images showing IaaC’s Contribution to Mireya Masó exhibition on Antartica. The exhibition titled: Antartica-Times of Change, depicts the changing climate of Antartica. One aspect of the exhibition included a study on Diatoms and Radiolaria, microscopic organisms that produce shells formed under whatever conditions are present at the time. The work produced by IaaC students was done in collaboration with Director Marta Malé-Alemany (Digital Fabriation) and Luis Fraguada (Digital Tools) with the assistance of Cesar Cruz Cazares.

click here for the flikr stream:


According to President Obama, 3D printing is the ‘next revolution’ in manufacturing

“Our first priority is making America a magnet for new jobs and manufacturing. After shedding jobs for more than 10 years, our manufacturers have added about 500,000 jobs over the past three. Caterpillar is bringing jobs back from Japan. Ford is bringing jobs back from Mexico. After locating plants in other countries like China, Intel is opening its most advanced plant right here at home. And this year, Apple will start making Macs in America again.

“There are things we can do, right now, to accelerate this trend. Last year, we created our first manufacturing innovation institute in Youngstown, Ohio. A once-shuttered warehouse is now a state-of-the art lab where new workers are mastering the 3D printing that has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything. There’s no reason this can’t happen in other towns. So tonight, I’m announcing the launch of three more of these manufacturing hubs, where businesses will partner with the Departments of Defense and Energy to turn regions left behind by globalization into global centers of high-tech jobs. And I ask this Congress to help create a network of fifteen of these hubs and guarantee that the next revolution in manufacturing is Made in America.”

Read more:


homework assignments due 2/19

By the start of class on Tuesday, 2/19, each student TEAM should do the following:

<1> Please review the grading criteria for this project if you have not yet done so:

<2> Prepare a 3-5 minute group presentation to tell about your vehicle’s design. This presentation will count toward your project grade. Presentations should be supported by visuals that are posted to the class website. Please put your post in your team’s designated category. Click here for instructions on how to post images to the class website. 

In this presentation your group should describe the vehicle that you intend to design.  Please cover the following points:

  • Describe the harsh environment that your group has selected, and key aspects of this environment that you were concerned with as you created your various sketches.  Please support with visuals.
  • Tell about the famous individual your group chose and how his/her attributes, preferences, or aversions factored into your design.  Please support with visuals.
  • Tell about the preexisting vehicle that has informed your design.  Please support with visuals.
  • Tell about changes to the design that your group has made through the various iterations you’ve created.  Support with visuals if possible.
  • Describe the unique features of your vehicle.  Support with visuals if possible.
  • Tell about any additional inspirational elements that will influence your team’s design decisions during development.  Support with visuals if possible.

<3> Create a SIMPLE Rhino model of your vehicle that includes all of the main components. This model will help your team conceptualize how the vehicle will look as a whole, and will help convey your design during your presentation.  If you’re able to create more than one version of this simple model then this would be an asset to your design process.

**Note: There is a “shared” folder in the digital sculpture netspace that will make it easier for team members to share files.  To find the folder follow this path: netspace > projects > digital sculpture > private > shared


how to post materials to the class website

  • Log on to the site by going to:
  • Create a new POST by clicking at the top of the page on the “+ New” button.
  • Once the next screen comes up, check one of the boxes to the right to put the post in the correct CATEGORY.
  • In the field provided, create a title for the post that includes your own name (so we’ll know who the post belongs to).
  • Add any text you’d like in the body of the post.
  • To upload PHOTOS, click on the “add media” button above the text field.
    • Click “upload files” and select the images you want to include.
    • Once the images finish uploading, click the “create gallery” button in the top left corner of the screen.
    • Click the blue “create a new gallery” button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
    • Change the gallery settings so that you’ll have 5 columns rather than three.
    • Click the “insert gallery” button.
  • If you want to post a VIDEO from youtube, simply add the video’s URL to the body of the post.
  • If you want to add a LINK to the body of your post, you can do so by highlighting the text you want to be linked, and click the “insert/edit link” button (to the left of the spell checker). Then add the URL destination and click the box that says “Open link in a new window/tab”.
  • When you’re finished adding content, click the blue “publish” button on the right.
  • A message should appear at the top of the page that says “Post published. View post”… if you click on “view post” it will show you what the post looks like on the site… at this point, if you want to make any changes, just click on the “edit post” button and it will return you to prior screen.  If you make any adjustments, be sure to click the blue “update” button on the right to apply your changes.
Team 3 - spring 2013

Team 3 is: Lindsey, Alex, Nathan, and Eric

Team 2 - spring 2013

Team 2 is: Dana, Phil, and Glen

Team 1 - spring 2013

Team 1 is: Tali, Jordan, and Jose


CAD product design course

Check out some of these cool product designs I found on the web.  See more at: 


Rejuvenation – a sculpture by Jonty Hurwitz at Gofigurative Broadgate

Jonty Hurwitz uses computer modeling and specific deformation to create his works of art. Among his more interesting pieces are a set of sculptures which began as a computer model and were distorted around a center point so that the true shape appears when reflected in a cylindrical mirror.

Rejuvenation – a sculpture by Jonty Hurwitz at Gofigurative Broadgate


Janimation used motion capture data, face robot, zbrush, ice, and a little Janimation magic to create this real life human face.


bent plywood chair exercise

In this assignment you’ll follow along with the video tutorial below to model a bent plywood chair.

Here are the reference images you’ll need:

url       url2